The media’s described below are designed for use in situations where a normal pre filter is filling up too fast with particles to be of use any more, or where a maintenance free, automatic filtering system is required. These media’s do not work when there is an overwhelming amount of sand or silt involved. Contact your Blue Fountain representative for more specialized solutions to heavy sand problems.
These media’s do not work when there is an overwhelming amount of sand or silt involved. Contact your Blue Fountain representative for more specialized solutions to heavy sand problems.
Filter Ag multi-media, or ceramic Macrolite materials can be used to filter out moderate amounts of particulates in water. Depending on the particle size, filtration is available from 1/15th of a human hair size on up to double a human hair thickness. (5 microns to 150 microns).
We use Filter Ag media when filtering 30 micron size particles or larger. A human hair is about 75 microns by comparison. Bacteria are 2-3 microns in size. Filter Ag doesn’t wear out, need chemicals, or require maintenance.
There are five different materials layered into a single tank. Starting with small gravel at the bottom, finer and finer layers of gravel and sand are put into the tank until it is filled to the proper level.
Particle sizes from 10-30 microns can be filtered with multi-media. With a multi-media Multi-media systems can be built to handle very high water flows, never need maintenance or chemicals, and are able to filter out oxidized iron as well as silt.
It filters to 5 microns in size, is virtually maintenance free, never wears out and has a variety of other filtering capabilities besides sand and silt. Click here for more information on Media