Where Does Your Water Supply Comes From?
Surface Water, which is susceptible to contamination directly entering the supply.
Ground Water, which is susceptible to contaminants that are present in the soil and the rock as the water makes its way to the aquifer
Contaminants that Might be Present
Virus or bacteria from sewage, agriculture or wildlife
Virus or bacteria from sewage, agriculture or wildlife
Rock or metal based, usually naturally occurring
Rock or metal based, usually naturally occurring
Carbon based, usually industry by-product
Carbon based, usually industry by-product
Typically naturally occurring, but could be elevated by mining operations
Typically naturally occurring, but could be elevated by mining operations
Each chemical or contaminant that has a health risk and has the potential of being in the water supply is listed and monitored by your Municipality.
Each chemical or contaminant that has a health risk and has the potential of being in the water supply is listed and monitored by your Municipality.
Level Found
The average of all samples over the year, which is used to determine violations.
The average of all samples over the year, which is used to determine violations.
MCLG (Maximum Contaminant Level Goal)
Testing shows that below these levels there is no health impact.
Testing shows that below these levels there is no health impact.
Range of Detections
The actual span of recorded contaminant levels.
The actual span of recorded contaminant levels.
MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level)
Level set by the EPA that weights treatment cost vs. health impact.
Level set by the EPA that weights treatment cost vs. health impact.
Any questions? We have extensive experience with the local water conditions throughout Northern California and we’d love to talk about the water conditions in your home or business, please contact us today.